Saturday, March 21, 2015

I have a confession to make

Most of us, if not all of us, when we first got sick or hurt or disabled, (whatever), had the attitude that we would go to the doctor, and the doctor would figure out what was wrong and then we would get "fixed". There's no reason why we shouldn't have thought that. Usually the doctor we originally went to, after doing some tests and even possibly basic treatments, eventually passes us off to some other doctor, or doctors. Usually specialists or pain management or both.

So we go to them with the same attitude: "what's wrong with me? why do I hurt? fix me." The sad truth is, that for the vast majority of us, the doctors are not going to be able to "fix" us. Often they aren't even going to know for sure what's wrong with us. Oh they'll slap labels on us and say we have this, that and the other thing, but if we go to enough doctors over time, most of us will wind up with so many labels, (often conflicting lol) or will be told by doc 1 that doc 3 is wrong and by doc 2 that doc 1 is wrong and so on.

What it all amounts to, is that none of them really know for sure. Most simply aren't willing to admit that though, and so they slap whatever label they feel is acceptable. (to them, not us) I've found that most doctors, especially "specialists" and pain management docs, have a pet medication and pet treatments that they swear by. Most docs even seem to have pet diseases that it seems like 2/3rds of everyone they see wind up with that diagnosis, even if it doesn't fit.

Many of us continue on that path, even decades later, searching for that right diagnosis and cure. Most of us at least hope that someday, someone will figure it out and help us.

Me? I gave up. Now I don't mean that in a bad way. What I mean is that I gave up looking for someone to "fix" me. I've come to accept that this is how it is, and it's how it's going to be, and there simply isn't anyone out there that knows or can fix it, except for God of course. I actually feel better mentally since I came to that conclusion. It gave me the power to accept what is, and more importantly, deal with it myself, and take control of the situation. Since then I've done much better at handling my pain, much to my doctors surprise. The problem for me is that the vast majority of people don't understand why I'm not actively seeking to find a way to "fix" my back, Or my joints now for that matter. They are used to going to the doctor when they don't feel good, and hearing him say, "oh you have a sinus infection or a bladder infection, or whatever, prescribing pills, taking them and getting better. They can't conceive of going to doctor after doctor after doctor, year after year after year, and never getting anywhere except for experiencing more pain, more side effects, more stress, etc.

However, then I got hit with yet a new pain, so I started down that old familiar road all over again, not even realizing what I was doing, until the third visit.  When I realized that I was doing it again, I was again able to take control. This was a little different for me though then for someone that might be much younger then I am. For one thing, even doctors admit that what's wrong with me can't be "fixed", not really.  Oh they have meds for it, real strong ones like chemo, but they only help less then 20% of patients and even those aren't helped fully or with all their symptoms. I am determined not to take any more medications, other then say a short term course of antibiotics if necessary to treat an infection. So regardless of the diagnosis, I wasn't interested in being "treated" for it. No more surgery, no more pills. Period. But that's just me and might not be what someone else would want. For the most part however, I'm not willing to get caught up in the "find a doctor that can tell me what's wrong with me and fix me routine again. Been there, done that, even got the tshirt.

Anyway, the point of all that is simply that most of us have the same experience, and other people who don't live with pain, simply aren't going to understand. Neither are people who have just started down the road of living with pain.  It's not easy to accept that this is the way it's going to be.  Many Christians are actually offended if they discover you don't pray for healing, or don't want prayer for healing all the time.  They can't conceive of wanting anything else but healing.  They haven't come to accept the fact that Paul and David and many others in the Bible, only prayed 3 times for healing and when they were told "No", they accepted the Lord's answer and submitted to Him.  That's what I've done.  Although I have to admit I prayed for healing a whole lot more then just 3 times!  Normally however that's not what I pray for or even think about.  Maybe once a year or so I'll break down after a particularly hard month and ask the Lord if He might be willing to heal me, but when He says No, I again submit, knowing He will use my pain and good will come from it.  Knowing too that He loves me and hates to see me hurt.  I do ask Him to relieve my pain whenever it's too much to bear, and He has never failed to do so immediately.  But many other Christians, especially those caught up in the false Word of Faith teachings, simply can't conceive or accept that.  The Lord will show them His Truth in His time though.  In the meantime, we have the Lord to comfort us and each other as well..
I'm thrilled when I hear of someone whom the Lord has healed, or someone who has "overcome" their disability, pain, or disease.  I even wrote a book about helping my daughter overcome the cerebral palsy she was born with.  I've seen many miracles in my life, including many for my daughter.  So in no way would I ever deny that happens.  It happens every day.  However, we each have to have our own relationship with the Lord and know Him well.  He doesn't treat everyone exactly the same as though there's a mold He puts us each through and turns us out of.  Sometimes the Lord says "No" to healing.  Sometimes it's no for this life, and sometimes it's just not now.  It really doesn't matter if others can accept what the Lord has told us personally or not.  What matters is that we know what He said and that we submit to Him regardless of His answer, because ultimately He is the one we will answer to, not other people.

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