Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pain Meds And The Lord

I've been doing something fairly unusual lately.  A friend told me that it looked like their doctor wasn't going to write any more prescriptions for their pain medications, and they're obviously scared and upset by that as any of us would be.  It's a fearful thing to think that we might have to deal with our pain without having even what relief the pain meds give us.  Due to the condition of my stomach and that I take a number of meds myself, I've been unable to fast for many years now.  It occurred to me though that I could do a kind of fast by refraining from taking my own pain meds as much as possible and using that time I was in pain as a reminder to pray for my friend.  So that's what I've been doing. The Lord has used this time to teach me a great deal, with the most shocking revelation coming today.  He suggested that our pain meds can become idols to us!  I was horrified by that, but I also immediately understood what He was saying.

Among other things, an idol is anything that becomes something you "must have"; something or someone that you feel you simply can't live without.  By that definition, I have to admit that my pain meds have become an idol to me. I remember once about a year ago when I thought my doctor was telling me that I'd have to come off of them.  I was shocked, scared, and began crying, asking why he would say such a thing, and what I was supposed to do about the pain without them.  I'm sure you all can relate to what I was feeling then, and to what my friend is going through now.  In my case, I had misunderstood what my doctor was saying and that wasn't at all what he meant.  I didn't think anything of it at the time, I thought of how I responded to this when the Lord told me that our pain meds could become idols.  My response was instant and my feeling was very definitely one of feeling that I couldn't live without those meds - or rather, that I didn't want to live without them.

Why is this idolatry?  Because we're putting our pain meds in the place God should be in our hearts, minds and spirits.  We've put our faith, and trust in our pain meds to help us deal with the pain.  Sure, we also pray and ask for God's help, but that doesn't change the fact that we've placed our trust in the pills and not in God alone.  God doesn't tell us to trust Him plus someone or something else, or to have faith in Him plus someone or something else, and yet that's exactly what we're doing, and that's what the Bible calls spiritual adultery.  

Is it wrong for us to take these pain meds?  Absolutely not!  That's not at all what I'm saying or what God is saying.  The Bible makes mention of doctors and medications in any number of places, and the only thing we're told is that we're not to place our trust and faith in the doctors and medications, but instead we're to place it in God alone. God gives us doctors and medications to use for our benefit, but He doesn't want them to take His place in our hearts or minds.  We're to remember that when those pain pills work, it's because God made them work; when the doctors help us, it's because God made it happen.  Nothing happens on this earth or in our lives that isn't completely under God's sovereignty.  God is in control of everything, 100% of the time.  He's even in control if or when our doctors say that we can't take those meds any longer.  As Jesus told Pilate, no one has any authority over us unless it is given them by the Father.  And we know that God makes all things work for our good, not part of the time, but all the time.  

So what are we to do about this?  How do we deal with the knowledge that our pain meds may have become an idol and if so, we're committing spiritual adultery?  All I can tell you is what I've done.  I was both shocked and devastated that this had happened, so I immediately repented and asked the Lord's forgiveness, knowing that He offers it freely to all who repent.  I thanked Him for not treating me as my sins deserve, and thanked Him for revealing this to me.  I admitted that I was incapable of changing my own heart other than to be honestly sorrowful that I'd allowed this to happen, and asked Him to change my heart for me; I asked Him to help me to keep my faith and trust only in Him.  Now, I'm trusting Him to do exactly that.

God amazes me constantly in how He teaches us.  First He showed me that I could fast by not taking my own pain meds as soon as I needed them, and pray for my friend when I was in pain.  Then, I would ultimately have to turn to Him and ask His help to deal with the pain since I was trying not to take my meds. Every single time, He did help me.  Many times he relieved the pain Himself, and in ways that shocked me.  In the last 15 years I've never been able to take less then two doses of my meds in the morning to get the pain down to bearable,  and I've tried many times to do without that second dose, to no avail.  But this time, I was able to because I turned to the Lord and He relieved the pain for me.  He always waited till I asked Him, but once I did, He'd relieve it.  There have been times when I knew that I had to take my meds because the pain was so great that I just couldn't stand it any longer.  I prayed anyway, honestly because I was going to take the meds and was planning on telling the Lord I was sorry but I couldn't hold out anymore.  But instead, the Lord relieved my pain!  I have never, ever, had my pain just "go away" when it's gotten that bad before, without taking my meds!  Never!  In fact, when it's that bad, I often have to take at least two doses and sometimes more!  So the Lord has taught me over the last week that if I put my faith in Him instead of the pills, that He will take care of me and help me.

Even knowing that though, the thought of not having the pills at all is still scary to me, but then it's been less then an hour since I asked the Lord to change my heart, so I suspect that this change is going to take time and will also require some work on my part.  My plan is to continue to always ask the Lord before I take any pain meds, and continue to do my best not to think about taking them until I feel that I absolutely must do so. Then I'll ask the Lord to either relieve the pain or let me know that I need to take my meds.  By doing it that way, it should help me to consciously remember that it's the Lord who's in control and that I'm leaving it up to Him as to whether or not He wants to relieve my pain Himself or through the medication, or of course, if He wants me to simply deal with the pain a bit longer.  

I'm sharing this now because I felt that this was certainly a snare of Satan's that we all needed to be aware of. I think that because of the way the war on drugs is heading by media, government and insurance companies, and how they've now included prescription pain meds in their war, that it's quite possible that our doctors will be forced to take us off our pain meds or at least reduce the amount we use.  It's actually already begun happening to some people, so it won't surprise me if it eventually happens to all of us.  I sincerely hope it doesn't go that far, but it could, so it's better to be prepared in case it does. 

This may encourage you: When we just can't take any more   

Proverbs 29:25Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
Psalm 100:5For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Revelation 3:7“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. *  
Romans 8:28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. *
Romans 8:31–32What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? *


  1. I too have been working on not letting them be an idol while at the same time just trying to get a straight yes or no answer.
    But thank you for the reminder. I've been surprised that cutting back tho not a piece of cake or walk in the park, still and all could have been much worse. There are times when it is very bad but then there are times when the pain does seem gone for a longer time than I had thought could happen. I do believe it is God at work.

    1. Amen! God never wastes anything, and nothing is a surprise to Him. He planned for this a long time ago and is using it for your good.


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